Smart contract audit is the process of discovery and mitigation of critical vulnerabilities and other security flows in order to prevent fund theft and other financial losses.
Smart contract audit is a multistage process, including static, dynamic and manual analysis of the code. The audit result is a report describing the vulnerabilities found and mitigation recommendations.
The audit estimations are done on a per-project basis, please request a quote to get the exact time and price estimates.
Smart contract audit includes the desired scope of work, the vulnerabilities and other security issues found, as well as the recommendations on how to fix them.
The audit estimations are done on a per-project basis, please request a quote to get the exact time and price estimates.
There is no strict schedule for audits. The rule of thumb is to undergo an audit before any production deployments.
Blockchain audit includes in-depth security analysis of the protocol, node and network layers.
Blockchain audit reveals vulnerabilities and other security issues in protocol layer, consensus mechanism as well as cryptography implementation and node application.
The audit estimations are done on a per-project basis, please request a quote to get the exact time and price estimates.
Cryptography audit includes analysis of used schemes and implementations, revealing both theoretical and practical attack vectors and security considerations.
Digital asset exchange audit covers all digital presence including web application and network infrastructure analysis, as well as blockchain level security considerations such as chain reorganization attacks.
Wallet audit reveals security weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the application including cryptographic and mathematical implementations.